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Repacking the JetHome Armbian Image

  1. Install required packages (requires admin rights):
    sudo apt install wget
  2. Download the aml_image_v2_packer utility file to the current directory:
    wget -nc http://update.jethome.ru/tools/aml_image_v2_packer
  3. Make file executable:
    chmod +x ./aml_image_v2_packer
  4. Create a directory for unpacking the out image and a directory for mounting the rootfs partition mount:
    mkdir -pv out mount
  5. Unpack image to out directory:
    ./aml_image_v2_packer -d Armbian_20.08_Arm-64_focal_current_5.7.16_j80.img out
  6. Mount the rootfs partition to the mount directory (requires admin rights):
    sudo mount -v -o loop,rw out/data.PARTITION mount/
  7. Modify rootfs (requires admin rights):
    example 1:
    echo test_parameter=777 | sudo tee mount /etc/test.conf
    example 2:
    touch test_file
    sudo cp -v test_file mount /usr/lib/firmware/
  8. Unmount the rootfs partition (requires admin rights):
    sudo umount mount/
  9. Pack the out directory with the modified rootfs partition into a new image:
    ./aml_image_v2_packer -r out/image.cfg out Armbian_20.08_Arm-64_focal_current_5.7.16_j80_REPACKED.img
  10. Remove out and mount directories:
    rm -rf out mount

For J100 use file Armbian_20.08_Arm-64_focal_current_5.7.16_j100.img

en/jethome_armbian_img_repacking.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/22 11:50 by Dmitriy