Table of Contents

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Installing HomeAssistant supervised

Install docker:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo curl -fsSL -o && sh

Add the user you're running as to the docker group:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Install additional packages:

sudo apt-get install -y jq wget curl udisks2 libglib2.0-bin network-manager dbus

Install OS-Agent:

Download the latest released release of the agent from the link

The file must be named aarch64. The resulting package must be installed on the system. Command example:

sudo dpkg -i os-agent_1.2.2_linux_aarch64.deb

Attention: in the commands above, you must substitute the correct name of the package file.

Or use the following commands for automatic installation:

curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*aarch64\.deb" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | wget -O os-agent-aarch64.deb -i -
sudo dpkg -i os-agent-aarch64.deb

You can check the operation of the agent with the command:

gdbus introspect --system --dest io.hass.os --object-path /io/hass/os

Install Home Assistant:

sudo dpkg -i homeassistant-supervised.deb

In the architecture type selection box, select odroid-c2

Upon completion of the installation script, in a few minutes the Home Assistant web interface will be available at <HOST_IP>:8123 (where <HOST_IP> is the address of this controller). Go to this address in a browser and follow the further step-by-step instructions.

The logs of the installer can be viewed with the following command:

journalctl -f